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Philippe Rocca-Serra
Univeristy of Oxford

Philippe Rocca-Serra (PhD) is a senior Researcher and Associate Member of Faculty at the Oxford e-Research Centre, where he and his colleagues develop and maintain tools and services to support FAIR data: the Investigation Study Assay (ISA) framework for multiomic and multimodal study reporting, the registry for standards, ontologies and repositories or the FAIR Cookbook, a hands-on guide on how to deliver FAIR data. Since 2020, as part of the PrecisionTox project, he advises on data management tasks and standardization efforts.

OpenTox 2022 Virtual Conference


The Horizon 2020 PrecisionTox project aims to improve chemical safety assessment to better protect human health and the environment by using non-traditional test species, multiple fields of knowledge, and powerful computational approaches to understand which chemicals are toxic and why. The biological response to standardized individual exposures with 250 carefully selected chemical compounds in five species spanning a large phylogenetic distance will be monitored by phenotyping at macroscopic and molecular levels using a combination of high throughput imaging and multi-omics measurements. In this context, following and applying best practices in data management is of paramount importance. We will highlight what `FAIR by design` can bring and look at FAIR through the less of capability maturity to define resource allocation to enhance data quality, deliver AI-ready data and facilitate data dissemination and reuse.