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Travis Karschnik
General Dynamics Information Technology

AOP-Wiki updates and development

The adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework provides a systematic means for assembling, synthesizing, and documenting existing knowledge concerning how biological perturbations at the molecular or cellular level can translate to adverse health consequences. The Adverse Outcome Pathway Wiki (AOP-Wiki) is a publicly available, open-source platform that facilitates collaborative AOP development and the sharing of aggregated AOP knowledge.  Recently, efforts have been made to improve end-user experience, identify and address issues through user feedback, and partner with journals to better integrate AOP information with the AOP-Wiki.  An upcoming version of the AOP-Wiki will implement a new, more user friendly and mobile compatible interface, fixes to e-mail services, a user forum, updated cookies permissions, and additional content curation functions.  User feedback is being collected on an ongoing basis via interviews with both content consumers and contributers.  Identified areas for future development include, but are not limited to, improving collaborative tools, duplicative content mitigation, write access and content attribution strategies, improved query tools, and enhanced AOP developer recognition.  A recent analysis of AOP-related journal publications supports user feedback that there is a disparity in the amount of AOP information being published and that which is being entered into the AOP-Wiki.  The AOP Knowledgebase team is working on partnerships with journals to create a framework which will streamline the ability to capture AOP-relevant information from emerging publications and harness journals’ existing infrastructure to facilitate peer review of content assembled in the AOP-Wiki.  Near term updates are expected in this calendar year with additional significant updates to follow. 

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